12 Mar 2012

Internet Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts

F1 Display the Internet Explorer Help, or when in a dialog box, display context help on an item
F11 Toggle between Full Screen and regular view of the browser window
TAB Move forward through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar
SHIFT+TAB Move back through the items on a Web page, the Address bar, and the Links bar
ALT+HOME Go to your Home page
ALT+RIGHT ARROW Go to the next page
Go to the previous page
SHIFT+F10 Display a shortcut menu for a link
Move forward between frames
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB Move back between frames
UP ARROW Scroll toward the beginning of a document
DOWN ARROW Scroll toward the end of a document
PAGE UP Scroll toward the beginning of a document in larger increments
PAGE DOWN Scroll toward the end of a document in larger increments
HOME Move to the beginning of a document
END Move to the end of a document
CTRL+F Find on this page
F5 or
Refresh the current Web page only if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are different
CTRL+F5 Refresh the current Web page, even if the time stamp for the Web version and your locally stored version are the same
ESC Stop downloading a page
Go to a new location
CTRL+N Open a new window
CTRL+W Close the current window
CTRL+S Save the current page
CTRL+P Print the current page or active frame
ENTER Activate a selected link
CTRL+E Open Search in Explorer bar
CTRL+I Open Favorites in Explorer bar
CTRL+H Open History in Explorer bar
CTRL+click In History or Favorites bars, open multiple folders
 Using the Address bar
Press this
To do this
ALT+D Select the text in the Address bar
F4 Display the Address bar history
CTRL+LEFT ARROW When in the Address bar, move the cursor left to the next logical break (. or /)
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW When in the Address bar, move the cursor right to the next logical break (. or /)
CTRL+ENTER Add "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of the text typed in the Address bar
UP ARROW Move forward through the list of AutoComplete matches
DOWN ARROW Move back through the list of AutoComplete matches

 Working with favorites

Press this
To do this
CTRL+D Add the current page to your favorites
CTRL+B Open the Organize Favorites dialog box
ALT+UP ARROW Move selected item up in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box
ALT+DOWN ARROW Move selected item down in the Favorites list in the Organize Favorites dialog box
Press this
To do this
CTRL+X Remove the selected items and copy them to the Clipboard
CTRL+C Copy the selected items to the Clipboard
CTRL+V Insert the contents of the Clipboard at the selected location
CTRL+A Select all items on the current Web page

Windows7 Keyboard Shortcuts

Windows logo key+Up Arrow Maximize the window.
Windows logo key+Down Arrow Minimize the window.
Windows logo key+Left Arrow Window to the left side of the screen.
Windows logo key+Right Arrow Window to the right side of the screen.
Windows logo key+D Display the desktop. Hitting it again, restores the windows that were displayed.s
Windows logo key+Spacebar Preview the desktop. When  you let up on the Windows key, the original windows return
Windows logo key+M Minimize all windows. Letting up does not return them to their original size
Windows logo key+Shift+M Restore minimized windows to their original size
Windows logo key+Shift+Left Arrow or Right Arrow Moves the window to another monitor
Windows logo key+Home Minimizes all windows except the active one.
Taskbar Related Shortcuts
Windows logo key+T Cycles through the programs that are pinned on the taskbar
Windows logo key +number Starts the program pinned on the taskbar related to it's position. For example logo key+1 would start the first program pinned to the taskbar
Ctrl+Windows logo key+number Changes to the last active windows for that numbered program pinned to the taskbar
Alt+Windows logo key+number Opens up the jump list for that program pinned to the taskbar
Ctrl+Shift+Click on a taskbar button Starts a program on the taskbar as Administrator
Flip 3D
Windows logo key+Tab Cycles through the running programs
Ctrl+Windows logo key  +Tab Cycles through the running programs letting you use the arrow keys. I find there is a bit more control using this method.
Windows logo key+E Opens up My Computer
Windows logo key+R Opens up the Run box
Windows logo key+P Choose the monitor configuration. For example, dual, single or projector. This can be very useful when having a laptop with a projector attached.
Alt-P Shows the Graphic Preview Pane. This can be useful when you want to display a preview of photos in a particular folder. It is much larger than viewing thumbnails and can be faster than needing to start a 3rd party program.

Easy way to open up DOS prompt in a specific directory

With the advent of long directory names, it can be difficult to open up a DOS box and CD to the directory you want
particularly if it is several layers of long names deep.
An easy way is to:
  1. Open up Explorer and highlight the directory you want to be in
  2. Select Run / Command from the Start Menu
  3. Your DOS prompt will now be in the directory you highlighted in Explorer

Changing Directories in DOS

Normally, you can move up one directory level by typing CD ..
The DOS with Windows95 allows you to continue moving up beyond the first directory by simply adding more periods
For example, to move up two levels, type CD ...

Expanding Full Path or File Name

Expand full path/file name with defined char using Command Prompt in Win NT 4.0
You can expand the full name of a file or directory using a character of your choice.
  1. Close all Command Prompts
  2. Start the Registry Editor
  3. Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor
  4. If not present, add Key: CompletionChar
  5. If you like to use TAB-Key for expand: set value (REG_SZ): "9"
You can test it:
  1. Open up a DOS window
  2. Type: CD (followed by TAB)
  3. The first available directory will appear
  4. Press TAB again, the next one will appear
  5. The same can be done with the DIR command

Starting DOS Fast

Want to start DOS fast outside of the START button? Drag it to your desktop.
Want to start it even FASTER without the mouse?
  1. Change the shortcut properties of the DOS icon to something unique, like Ctrl-Alt-Z.
  2. Then to start DOS from within Win95/98?/NT just enter C-A-Z and poof! it's there.
  3. If you toggle away, and hit the shortcut sequence again, you'll get the "old" DOS box, not a new one

Removing the Microsoft Copyright from a DOS Prompt

By default, when you open a DOS window, the Microsoft Copyright notice shows.
To disable it, add the /K switch in the Program tab
For example: C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM /k

Showing Long and Short Filenames

There are two additional switches that can be used when doing a DIR
  1. /B - Shows only the long filename, no details
  2. /Z - Shows the short filename, with details
  3. /B /Z - Shows only short filename, with no details

DOS Command History

If you use DOSKEY in either your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or as part of the properties of your DOS Window,
you can show and recall the history of commands you enter and the DOS prompt.
  • To recall previous commands, use the up arrow key.
  • A complete list of previous commands can be shown if you press the F7 key
  • To use one, press F9 and the number of the command you want to use
  • To clear the cache, press Alt+F7