14 Sept 2012

Top Facebook Hacks- Part 1

1)   Facebook Chat Hack 
 To add pictures during chat session, just Type Unique id or Username between [[ ]] . [[unique id or Username ]] for example : [[abhishek.pannewal]]


To find your facebook ID , go to profile page and look at url , you’ll see id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, for example my facebook id is abhishek.pannewal .(If you are using a custom username for your Facebook profile or page, then unique profile ID will not appear. You can enter custom username where profile ID may be required)

13 Most Common Window Error And Steps To Fix Them

Error #1

Error Message: System cannot find specified file
Solution: You should reinstall NCP & DUN

Error #2

Error Message: Access Denied
1. Ensure that you have entered the right username and password in the field labeled domain
 for NT/2k .
2. Check the option and accept any authentication including clear text
 is activated.

Everything You Need To Know AboutComputer Drivers

Here’s a quick guide that will supply you with all you need to know about computer drivers and keeping them error free.

What are device drivers?

Device drivers are software programs that help your operating system communicate with your hardware devices such as the keyboard, printer, web cam, video card, etc. A device driver controls a particular type of hardware device. When you buy a new computer, many device drivers are built into the product. These integrated drivers have the capability to support a variety of hardware devices. However, you will need to install drivers manually for those hardware devices that are released after your operating system.

50 Most Useful Adobe PhotoshopKeyboard Shortcuts + Tips

Global keyboard shortcuts:

1. You can check all Your preferences pressing CTRL + K and learn more .

2. Press TAB – to show/hide tool panels;

3. Press SHIFT + TAB to show/hide only Your palette;

4. Press F repeatedly to cycle screen modes;

5. Press CTRL + TAB to switch to Your next document;

6. Press CTRL + SHIFT + TAB to switch to Your previous document;

7 . Press CTRL + T to enter free transform mode;

Tip for 7th point:---

You can scale proportionally from center Your transform by pressing and holding ALT + SHIFT, when You are dragging.

How To Get Back Your Hacked Facebook Account

Does someone hacked your Facebook account? Can’t access your account when you enter email ID and password?

Don’t worry here is a easy way to get back your hacked Facebook profile .Bad guys out there are using so many tricks to hack facebook users account.My best advice would be read many security forums and articles this will help you to improve system security and it also helps to avoid falling prey to those bad guys.